The Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual - APECV, is a network of artistic educators; visual arts artists and teachers working in formal and non-formal education contexts. It has the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and collaborates with the Portuguese Directorate-General for Education, cooperating in the implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of processes and the results of teaching and learning.
APECV was founded in Portugal, in 1989, and its mission is to promote quality artistic education for all in diverse learning contexts. It holds exhibitions by teacher-artists and children's and youth art contests. Every year it organizes several events of dissemination and reflection on theory and practice in artistic education, such as: seminars, international congresses and webinars. It integrates a Training Center where it offers several training courses and workshops on accredited theory and artistic practices for teachers. Through its Editorial Department, it regularly publishes open content publications; annually publishes the "Imaginar Magazine", for teachers of visual arts and, every six months, the Ibero-American Journal of Research in Education, Culture and Arts: "Invisibilidades". Through the Art and Education and Community Research Group, with national and international experts in the field of artistic education, it has carried out national projects with disadvantaged communities and integrated international projects that facilitate transformative learning through the arts.