Do you want to know what is social franchising? Or What resources are needed to start?
The course The Fundamentals of Social Franchising is the answer. In this course we have partnered with experts in the field of entrepreneurship and social innovation to bring you both theoretical and practical knowledge in this field.
Being a changemaker and trying to tackle a societal problem can be challenging. However, with the right tools and understanding of the social innovation ecosystem, you can transform your own impact journey!
This course was designed in partnership with Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and includes a theoretical presentation of concepts related to social innovation and, subsequently, its practical application in the case study of SPEAK.
The participation of a set of experts in the field of social innovation, with extensive years of experience and contact with various organizations, allowed a simple and direct approach to concepts that otherwise would seem extremely complex.
Learn with us!
This course was designed for social entrepreneurship enthusiasts who are trying to understand more about the social innovation ecosystem and for social entrepreneurs looking to scale their initiative. Both will have the opportunity to meet first-hand experts in this field, as well as learning and being inspired by SPEAK’s social franchising case study.
Qualitative assessment, using a multiple choice quiz, at the end of each chapter.
At the end of this MOOC, after having looked at all the tabs, browsed through all the videos and answered the different quizzes, you will receive a certification regarding the participation in the MOOC.
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Não, os certificados são pagos. O valor dos certificados é definido pelas entidades promotoras dos cursos.
Tenho acesso ilimitado aos conteúdos dos cursos disponíveis na plataforma edX?
Sim, se a sua inscrição for verified. Como audit o acesso aos conteúdos do curso é limitado.
Os cursos podem estar em simultâneo na plataforma NAU e na plataforma edX?
Não. Um dos requisitos para os cursos estarem disponível na edX é a sua exclusividade. Assim, enquanto os cursos estiverem disponíveis na edX, na plataforma NAU estarão arquivados e inacessíveis aos seus utilizadores.
Qual a diferença entre a inscrição Audit e Verified?
Audit – inscrição gratuita, onde os formandos podem inscrever-se e consumir todo o conteúdo do curso. Não estão incluídos o certificado, as tarefas de avaliação e o acesso perpétuo aos conteúdos do curso.
Verified – inscrição que permite aos formandos terem acesso ao certificado e a todo o conteúdo do curso de forma permanente, mesmo depois do curso ter terminado. Os formandos podem atualizar a sua inscrição (de audit para verified) a qualquer momento e até uma determinada data (normalmente, até 10 dias antes da data de fim do curso).
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