SPEAK is a crowdsourcing language and culture exchange program that connects
newcomers with locals living in the same city. SPEAK combines language groups with
cultural events breaking barriers, promoting multilingualism, equality and democratizing
language learning.
SPEAK aims to solve the social exclusion of migrants and refugees, contributing to their
integration in the cities where they live, through a language and culture exchange
program that breaks the linguistic barrier and brings people of different contexts together,
helping them create their local informal support network.
SPEAK’s team also trains anyone willing to set up SPEAK in their city, so that they can
help it become more inclusive. This growth model will allow SPEAK to create a global
network of 100 inclusive cities by 2025.
Now, everyone can get to know SPEAK’s journey in the social innovation ecosystem and
what our replication model is all about. In the MOOC “The Fundamentals of Social
Franchising”, we combine theoretical concepts from social entrepreneurship experts and
our practical experience over the years.