In this course, we will showcase the latest innovations in usage of VR and AR in education of STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math’s].
Virtual Reality is a technology that replaces sensory input derived from the real world with sensory input created by computer simulation, allowing a user to interact with a computer-generated 3D model or virtual environment.
We believe that VR technology is a compelling and powerful e-learning method. It is interactive, easy to standardize and has innovative features that can be easily adapted and implemented in virtual platforms. When preparing future professionals (biomedical engineers, nurses, doctors…) VR technology lets us to create dynamic clinical environments and allows a more authentic approach for continuous improvement and problem-based teaching.
With this course, we will teach you the basic concepts of VR and AR, the most popular hardware and software platforms and we will show you some examples of existing training programmes that use VR to improve their students’ experience.
The course is composed of 4 modules. Each module consists of video lectures and, at the end, a multiple-choice quiz. The modules and video lectures should be used in the given order, however, you can go back and forward between them as much as you wish.
At the end of each module, there is a quiz with multiple-choice questions. After having looked at all the tabs, browsed through all the videos, and answered all the quizzes with approval, if you achieve a score of 50% or more you will be able to obtain the certificate of participation.
This MOOC was developed in the context of the ERASMUS+ funded project “VIBE: Virtual Biomedical and STEM/STEAM Education”. The partners in this project are the University of Porto, University of Pécs, DEX Innovation Centre and Politechnika Slaska