Prof. Viriato Soromenho-Marques teaches Philosophy and European Studies at University of Lisbon. Since 1978, Dr. Soromenho-Marques has been engaged in the civic environmental movement in Portugal and Europe, has been a member of the National Council on Environment and Sustainable Development (1998-2019), Vice-Chair of the European Environmental and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils network (2001-2006); one of the authors of the Portuguese National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2004); a scientific coordinator of the Gulbenkian Environment Program (2007-2011); member of the High Level Group on Energy and Climate Change by invitation of the EC President (2007-2010); member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, since 2008, and from the Marine Academy, since 2012.
Currently he is a Board’s Special Advisor of the Blue Ocean Foundation (since 2017) and the President of the General Assembly of the Common Home of Humanity NGO. He was awarded the Leaders of the Decade in Sustainable Development Prize, given by the “Women Economic Forum Portugal 2019”.
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Prof. Soromenho-Marques contributed with classes for Module 4 of the MOOC “The Earth System as a Global Common”.